Sunday Worship

Lord’s Day

We devote Sunday, biblically known as the Lord’s Day (Rev 1:10), to the worship and praise of our risen Lord and Savior. All our activities are designed to honor the Lord on His day (Isaiah 58:13) by setting it aside as a day of worship, rest, and fellowship.

We desire to worship in a manner that is God-focused rather than man-focused and that makes the preaching of the word central. Our worship consists of the reading and preaching of the Word, prayer that includes the elements found in the Lord’s Prayer, the singing of Psalms & Hymns with grace in our heart, and communion at the Lord’s Table (for those who have made a public profession of faith) where, by faith, we feed on body and blood of Christ. On a less frequent basis, it also includes the NT sacrament of Baptism, and days of prayer & fasting, or Thanksgiving. A typical service lasts 90-120 minutes.

After worship, we share a meal together(Acts 2:42), and gather at 4PM for a time of Bible study. We cordially welcome any visitors to join us for lunch – we’d love to get to know you. The topics vary from week to week, but our task remains the same: seeking to apply the scriptures to every area of our life so that we become transformed by the renewing of our minds and are better able to present our bodies as living sacrifices every hour of every day.

The first Sunday in the month, we spend time learning to sing the Psalms so that we might sing skilfully as we are instructed to do in Psalm 33. “Praise the LORD with harp: sing unto him with the psaltery and an instrument of ten strings. Sing unto him a new song; play skilfully with a loud noise.” Psalms 33:2-3 We aren’t learning to perform and we don’t claim to be very good, so don’t be concerned if you can’t sing. We’re simply seeking to grow in grace and knowledge.


The Bible, of course! What you probably want to know is what we understand the Bible to teach. That is more precisely delineated in our confessional standards.


Reformed theology takes its name from the Protestant Reformation that took place in the sixteenth century when the church was reformed to be more Biblical in its teaching and practice.

Family Integrated

Family integrated is a modern word for the historic practice of teaching children to worship the Lord Jesus Christ with the rest of the family instead of segregated by themselves.

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